Look at schools on a map.
Public Ontario schools only.
Try entering your high school or elementary school!
Data from data.ontario.ca.
Unknown number of
students enrolled in 2021
School Stats:
City Stats:
Ontario Stats:
This is a tool that was created to help discover insights into the Ontario education system.
Users are encouraged to reflect on the reason behind why some schools score higher than others,
and whether something should be done to support schools or cities with lower scores
(such as increasing funding).
The data used for analysis is publically available on data.ontario.ca.
More information about low income households can be found on statcan.gc.ca.
More information about EQAO provincial standards can be found on eqao.com.
Originally developed by
Owen Gretzinger,
James Nickoli,
and Geon Youn
for DeltaHacksIX.
The hackathon submission can be found on Devpost,
and the code for the website can be found on GitHub.